
Mastering Social Media – 2nd Edition

Success stories told through real-life Government and Public Sector case studies gathered at the Public Sector Marketing Summit 2019.
Mastering Social Media – 2nd Edition


This publication provides public sector marketing pros with insights and inspiration for their next social media campaign. As a bi-product of the annual Public Sector Digital Marketing Summit, I commit to re-producing stage presentations as essays.

While it’s a massive piece of work for me and my team, my desire to scale digital marketing knowledge among government agencies supersedes any feeling of “is this really worth my time?”. It’s also a completely free resource!

This edition provides useful case studies of how to be courageous in the midst of a PR crisis, how to integrate a social media and digital mindset into large and complex public sector organisations as well as how to leverage data to create engaging public interest campaigns.

What You Will Learn

Digital and Crisis Management
Integrating Social Media Across our Organisation
Personalisation for Social Media Engagement
Managing the Boundaries of Personal Versus Professional
Tackling Plummeting Organic Reach on Facebook
Smartphone Video Tactics for the Public Sector
The Changing Face of Facebook and Instagram
Facebook Messenger and Operation Transformation
Going Front of Screen
Policing Social Media
Pushing the Boundaries of Social Media for Student Engagement
Perfecting your Tone and Technique on Instagram
Smart Marketing Measurement
Using Data Insights for Campaigns
Putting the Social into Customer Service
“When trying to influence up on social media innovation, I find it useful to have public sector marketing use cases.” 
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