
State of Social Media – Ireland 2020

An analysis of the social media footprint of Ireland’s government and public sector bodies. This report takes a forensic look at how Ireland’s national government departments along with public sector agencies are leveraging social media for citizen engagement.
State of Social Media – Ireland 2020


This report takes a forensic look at how Ireland’s national government departments along with public sector agencies are leveraging social media for citizen engagement. The first study was carried out in 2018, but this edition will illustrate the impact COVID-19 has had on social media output, engagement rates and innovation. The report captures and analyses the social media activity of 519 organisations across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok. Vanity metrics, such as numbers of followers and likes, are illustrated but the report takes an in-depth look at engagement metrics which tell a richer story, essentially how easy it for our governing bodies to communicate with the public, and vice versa. Make no mistake, the report has been published as an aid to creating seamless integrated public sector communications and is in no way a winners and losers list. Although some organisations have been shown to have high-ranking ratings across the board, Joanne is keen to point out this is merely a way to benchmark progress and help organisations develop a results-driven social media strategy.

What You Will Learn

What does successful social media look like for public sector bodies?
How do you evaluate this success?
What agencies are performing well and what can we learn from them?
What factors determine success?
Why are some agencies successful and others not?
What do we uncover about citizen engagement and behaviour?
What social networks are best suited to public interest messaging?
“I’m always asked what the social media public sector benchmarks. This report has proved to be invaluable for that.”
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